The Elemeno way

What we do

We help children learn, progress and flourish. 

We use our time outside our sessions to prepare lessons designed to help each student fulfil their own unique potential. We use our time in sessions to empower students to approach learning (and life) with creativity and confidence. 

How we do it

We like to think we do things a bit differently.

From our backgrounds in classroom teaching and educational leadership, we know know what works. Listening works, and responding works. We love finding the best way to help each student thrive.

The most impactful, memorable, and enjoyable learning experiences don't always take place behind a desk or at a computer screen using a one-size-fits-all approach. This is why you will find a big table in the centre of our cosy Study Rooms, where we can work together and learn creatively. 

In our Bradley Fold Study Room, we are building something from the best of all we know. The Study Room has some of the familiar classroom elements students are used to, plus plenty of innovative and interesting resources to be discovered along the learning journey!

Why we do it

We do it because we love it! Teaching is the thing we talk excitedly about to our families and friends. It's not something we ever call 'work'.

We think learning is absolute magic - what have we ever done without learning something first, or as it is being done? However that learning takes place, we like to be there for it, cheering our students on, championing their individuality, celebrating their successes, and smiling every step of the way.


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